Established by the National Department of Transport...

Join the official voice of Small Bus Operators


To be a leading and trusted advocate of economic empowerment for small bus operators in South Africa.  


Advancing the interest of small bus operators in the mainstream transport economy through transformation.  


We subscribe to the values of professionalism, Openness, Honesty, Accountability, Caring and Sharing.  

A Transport Industry For All... 

Our Key Mandate

SANSBOC is recognised by government as the officials voice of small bus operators in the country representing over 1500 small bus operators across 9 provinces. We stand for

Transformation of Industry 

Ensuring integration and equitable representation of all bus operators in the industry and progressive policy position that favours small bus operators.

Economic Empowerment

Ensuring that small bus operators are capacitated by government and also allocated opportunities in the mainstream transport economy.

Unity and Prosperity 

Ensuring that small bus operators cooperate and speak in one voice whilst using their numerical strength to harvest economic benefits of their value chain.

Learn More
Scholar Transport Support-2
Mathabta Dbn
Become a Member

What to Note When Joining


Any operator with a 35-seater bus can join the Council and participate in any provincial structure.

Download Membership Form

All members of SANSBOC are subject to the Constitution and Code of Conduct to ensure good behaviour.

Download Member Constitution
Opportunities & Support

Members can join a Network Support Group  and qualify for discounted service, products and training opportunities.

Join the Empowerment Plan

Our numbers speak

Since established in 2012, we continue to grow and have major influence in the industry

Our Members
Operating Buses
Employment Created